Pylse application

Copy & paste this form onto your own post on the recruitment thread and answer all the questions

Yes/No questions can simply be marked with a “+” on the correct answer

Do you have a vouch?

Do you meet the VOLTA Requirments? (V0LTA Requirements (Turnur Edition) 13)
Yes - missing some skills for carrier. can be injected though.

If you answered NO to any of the above, please refrain from applying unless you were explicitly told to do so anyway by a director.

Link your zkillboard and the zkillboard of all characters you are applying to corp with (do not need every single alt that you own only ones joining the main alliance)
Pylse | Character | zKillboard Main
Pylseprinsen | Character | zKillboard
Isnah | Character | zKillboard

Why do you want to join?
I want to get out of WH space. I have more playtime for the coming 6 months due to RL changes and want to try higher end pvp again. I am also intrigued by the new content in Zarz / FW.

What Timezone are you? (EU, US, AU)

Who is your vouch?
NoPro. I have not asked, but older people may remember me from the days of yore as well.

Tell us anything about yourself irl that you find appropriate (e.g. work full time, in late 20s, university student, etc)
I work full time in education, 35.

Tell us about your history in Eve ( Can be brief, i dont care about the time you went an did a lvl 4 mission)
A career of roughly 5 phases.
First, Curse alliance with Shinra. Shinra had an ‘elite small gang’ wing where I was drafted to fly interceptors. I left not too long after Shinra left Curse and went to kill Fountain alliance with BoB, around the time Sniper BS started to dominate alliance warfare.
Second, The Establishment which is probably the ‘main corp’ for me in all time. It ended as people went inactive. No one remembers it these days, but we were the first to use supercaps in PVP and made the term hotdropping famous. Trivia: The first ship to get blown up by a supercap in eve was a Thorax, but the KM is lost to time.
Third, Mad Bombers, which was part of Ushra’Khan until relations sadly went sour and we went rogue. Leaving U’K on bad terms with some people there is probably my only real regret in EvE. Mad Bombers is the corp some older people here might know me from as at the time I was CEO it was part of HYDRA and Mad Bombers, Genos, V0lta and some others would fly together from time to time.
Fourth, huge pile of inactivity mainly wasted in RvB and which ended with a 3 year AFK in Volta. I think I went on perhaps one or two Ishtar fleets then went AFK as RL kicked in (end of university times).
Fifth, I was on sick leave for two months and installed EvE again. I wake up in my Ishtar somewhere in the north of eve after what must be 5 or 6 years offline. That was Nov 2018. I joined a WH corp which ended up being part of New Jovian Collective. It’s been a kind of retirement pvp ever since.

Can you fly a mainbox carrier? (Can be on toon other than main but must be able to fly dread on some other account)
No. I have an alt with carrier skill, though atm lvl 1. No skill in fighters.

Do you have HAC 5?

Do you have recon 5?

Do you have all cruisers 5 incl T2 weapons? (If not which ones)
Yes, though perhaps spread over the toons.

Do you have Trig destroyer/cruiser trained (and T2 guns)?

Do you have all battleships 5 incl T2 weapons? (if not which ones)
Yes, again spread out a bit across all toons.

Do you have a FAX alt?
Yes, though low skill atm. Carrier lvl 1, Cap RR lvl 4. About 350k sp could be injected to accelerate this.

Do you have a super alt?

Do you have a titan alt?

Have you applied ALL your Characters tokens on the HR Tool
Failing to do this will auto reject your appication as you cannot follow clear instructions we already have Kinsy for this

Do you have any useful spies? (please do not post any info here)
Not really no. I was always too much e-honor to do spying anyways. I lurk and gather intel the old fashioned way. I care slightly less these days though.

Are you offended by common shittalk using internet words? (nothing over the top, however some spicey words are occasionally said.)

Link a zkill kill you are part of and think was cool. Why was it cool?

I mean it is just a gank, but it was cool because that is Loiso Vinneve’s Leshak in the hold and we set a very clever trap for him 400km of their station. I like traps.
For a fight the best one recently was Related Kills | J131718 | 2023-12-14 00:00 | zKillboard
It sadly did not work out for us as we could not Neut the Apostle and they kept bringing in more and more stuff. Not our best fight either by a long shot as we did a lot of mistakes. Was intense though.

Please link a fit that you think is good for small gang nano (can be text copy paste or zkill link) Vedmak | Pylseprinsen | Killmail | zKillboard

You have tackled a super ratting in an anomaly 10+ jumps from the fleet, how do you attempt to keep your dictor alive and ensure tackle on the super for long enough for the fleet to come? (10+ minutes) I bubble him outside SB range and survive with my cloak. Probably use a nearby celestial or warpable and make perches on his grid to avoid getting locked up during cloak cooldown. Make sure there is a BM dropped around where the super is.

Can you expand on your cap alt situation please?

  • How many accounts do you have that are useful in general combat roles? (caps, sabre, etc)
  • Do you have a dread alt? (not on your main account)
  • Are you able to immediately inject carrier 4 + fighters on your main or onto an alt that is NOT your dread alt? (and is on a different account from your dread)
  • is your fax alt on a 3rd account or is it on the same account as dread or main?


  • Which cruisers do you not have 5 (incl t2 weapons) on your main?
  • Same for BS

How many accounts that are useful:

I have three accounts that have useful combat roles. The 4th account has no combat usefulness at all and is training coverts/scanning skills.

Historically, my main Pylse flew all cruiser and above DPS ships except Amarr, my first alt Pylseprinsen flew all Amarr ships and all frigate/destroyer hulls, and my last alt Isnah flew all covert/recon/logi and support roles. By now they overlap a lot as I ran out of things to train and stopped caring too much so it is a mixed bag. Not sure how much detail you want on subcap stuff outside of the questions below, but statistically if you pick a subcap there is a bigger chance I can fly it on 2/3 chars than not. For the most typical stuff also with max skills.

Pylse can fly a Zirn. I was adviced to inject this, so I did.
Pylseprinsen can fly a Revelation, though with t1 guns for another month approximately.

I can inject 238k out of 521k of Carrier 4 immediately, but would have fighter skills only lvl 1. I never prioritized fighters, and prior to recruitment I was told dreads/fax would be more important so I spent SP and time towards that instead. Hypothetically, if it is a do or die problem I could spend isk for the last SP but that seems useless compared to buying ships I can already fly which you might also need. Alternatively it is a week or so out, plus whatever time needed to have adequate fighter skills.
The carrier character is Isnah, which would also be the one who could fly a FAX. None of the other characters can do anything with carriers.

FAX alt:
Yes, it is the third account, separate from both Dreads and my two most combat oriented mains.

I do not have Amarr T3C (the subsystem skills) trained 5 on my Main, but he has everything else.

I don’t have the Edencom stuff. If you care about specialization skills some of those are 4 too.

Thank you for your response. We’ve talked about this with NoPro (your vouch) and he explained a few things, mainly the confusion around how your accounts are structured and what exactly you can fly at the same time as a dread alt. It seems that it is all sorted apart from your carrier skills which won’t take long to train, since you’re a returning member and the missing skills won’t take long we’ve decided to be lenient on that requirement (but please insure you train them).

Application accepted.