Penelore Application

Do your parents know you’re gay?

Do you have a vouch?

Do you have a T2 siege dread alt with JDCV?

Do you have a dictor alt? (Can be same account as dread alt etc)

Do you have Logi 5?

Link your zkillboard and the zkillboard of all characters you are applying to corp with (do not need every single alt that you own only ones joining the main alliance)

Why do you want to join?

  • I know some guys and they are good people
  • I haven’t done null sec before
  • I want to fly my caps, specifically my Apostle
  • I have the time, desire and isk

What Timezone are you? (EU, US, AU)


Who is your vouch?

Ithica Hawk, Darren Fox, Xaphanie Xoros (maybe?)

Tell us anything about yourself irl that you find appropriate (e.g. work full time, in late 20s, university student, etc)

  • I’m a girl… women!… er chick? :roll_eyes:
  • I’m Gen X not a Boomer NIN4lyf
  • I work, but I do it from home full-time now \o/
    • I’m thinking/hoping with null sec there are more timers and it’s not going to just be about rushing home for a “Dr. Appt” and then some noobs blue-ball us. I’ll put it on my calendar :grinning: Or at least I’ll try to be free at that time. I also don’t mind waking up super early to fight before work.
    • I figure I can probably catch 30% of the shit you do in EUTZ. Ping-Warrior style.
  • I rescue old dogs
  • I make isk
  • I do other things occasionally

Tell us about your history in Eve

  • 2007 - EvE was amazing… so ahead of its time, one shard wtf… fitting was addictive. Eventually made it out to Stain with a small group trying to live in a little area of null space. Flew patrols, tackled like a demon in a punisher. :imp: Life happened.
  • 2014 - Tried to come back cause I wanted to do industry. Seemed like a whole game on its own and one I could make time for with my busy job. Lived in hi-sec… got bored fast… did not make any isk. :chart_with_downwards_trend:
  • 2018 - Decided to give EvE a real go. Joined E-Uni to have a large group of noobs and try all the different things EvE had to offer. Focused on really learning each thing… Low Sec PvP, Logi, FC’ing, Wormholes. Did it all… even taught other noobs all the things I had learned along the way to pay it forward. :nerd_face:
  • 2019 - Wanted to go hardcore wormholes. Got lucky and found a great group who made me “one of us” and learned all the secret ways of Anoikis. Played at max try-hard for a year. Corp eventually burned out like a red-giant. :red_circle:
  • 2020 - Re-attempted doing industry as my primary gameplay. Succeeded… have a great indy corp with a few oldbros. :chart_with_upwards_trend:
  • 2023 - Looking to get in some good fights again.

Can you fly a mainbox carrier? (Can be on toon other than main but must be able to fly dread on some other account)
No (ish) - Dread toon has the fighter skills, Logistics toon has FAXs but no fighters

Do you have HAC 5?

Do you have recon 5?
No+ training

Do you have all cruisers 5 incl T2 weapons? (If not which ones)
No+ Recon4, HIC4, Cal StrC4, Gal StrC4, Edencom0… all others 5

Do you have Trig destroyer/cruiser trained (and T2 guns)?

Do you have all battleships 5 incl T2 weapons? (if not which ones)
No+ Gal4, Min4, Precursor4, Edencom0… all others 5

Do you have a FAX alt?

Do you have a super alt?

Do you have a titan alt?

Have you applied your Characters on the HR Tool

Do you have any useful spies? (please do not post any info here)


Are you offended by common shittalk like calling someone gay, retarded, etc? (nothing over the top)

Link a zkill kill you are part of and think was cool. Why was it cool?

I wanted to 1v1 in a Rifter… I finally won

I rolled the invading horde out of home during an eviction attempt and died honorably… but I found the one f*cking noob going 0 and murdered his ass

Good times were had, and I got to mash heals like a wild woman

Some good pilots taught me how to fly. I got caught, I killed him and got away. I got on a solid +50% of kills that day and didn’t die while keeping up with a nasty group on the 1DQ gate. #feelsgoodman

I came in tied for third in a very important tournament

Please link a fit that you think is good for small gang nano (can be text copy paste or zkill link)

I was always pretty comfortable in a Retribution :slightly_smiling_face:


Coreli B-Type Small Armor Repairer

Heat Sink II

Heat Sink II

Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Nanofiber Internal Structure II

Caldari Navy Warp Disruptor

Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive

Small Focused Beam Laser II,Aurora S

Small Focused Beam Laser II,Aurora S

Small Focused Beam Laser II,Aurora S

Small Focused Beam Laser II,Aurora S

Small Energy Locus Coordinator II

Small Energy Locus Coordinator II

You have tackled a super ratting in an anomaly 10+ jumps from the fleet, how do you attempt to keep your dictor alive and ensure tackle on the super for long enough for the fleet to come? (10+ minutes)

I have no earthly idea but I bet it’s quite different from tackling smartbombing dreads krabbing in a C5.

Confirm vouch. Pen is poggers.

Confirm vouch. Positive impact to any group

Apologies on the delay - I didn’t realise you had even app’d until just now! App’s have been pinged to the Corp, they will stay live for 24hrs for members to post their questions (usually dick or men related) and assuming no one veto’s you, we can get the ball rolling.

Again my apologies for being slow!!

Confirm vouch!

You probably don’t remember me, as at the point you’d joined eve uni, I had already moved on 2 years prior but was still involved in the background and have been friends with both Laura and Jilo. I can also provide only one perspective on this and it’s a third party one (as a messenger), hence asking you upfront for your take.

While in eve uni you left quite a mark, were kicked for being toxic and then proceeded to reinforce structures if I recall correctly. There was also some partnering with spectre and volunteering of uni’s resources that you didn’t have the authority to broker, combined with spectre participating in structure warfare which wasn’t allowed in eve uni.

I also have a direct quote from someone stating “Granted there’s been a bit of time since then but she’s one of the worst eve players I have ever encountered.”

These are all others’ opionions of you, not my own, but they are people I know and trust. What is your perspective on this? Are these genuine representations from your perspective? Or have there been misunderstandings in the past?

Another vouch for Pen, hello again! Zero drama in my experience, in fact a calming influence and a great corpmate.

That’s disappointing to hear. At E-Uni I did pretty much everything I could to help the noobs and my friends learn.

I did leave over the Spectre debacle. I felt I was hung out to dry on that. Since you’ve decided to air third-party laundry publicly, here is my side. Laura’s diplo guy, don’t remember his name, set up a meeting with myself (Director of FCC) and Spectre to get E-Uni to start training FCs for them through our program. I was pleasant and agreeable since I was brought in by Laura’s right hand man. Spectre then announced some partnerships that apparently no one else knew about. I was 100% blamed for this as an “ambitious bitch”. I immediate quit, thinking… screw all this bullshit, I was just trying to be helpful.

I went on to Ehefkae but left a toon in E-Uni with their permission to continue to teach classes once a week on Wednesday. That went on for about two more months. My classes were hugely popular, I normally ran two classes, one on tackling (slingshot & spiraling) and a logi class where I took the noobs out in RR Vexors to fight in low sec after the class. I always got fights since I knew lots of the black rise community, including some Waffles.

Those same Waffles, a friend from Tuskers and myself went to the E-Uni wormhole one day. I was flying a Guardian I believe. After a number of non-engagements we did ref the guest Astrahas. I did not know we would be doing that, nor was I leading, but I was definitely a part of that group. I was summarily kicked about 1 hour before I was to mentor a new FC on his inaugural fleet. He was a bit stressed out to say the least. But he did good anyways (good teacher) and went on to be one of Pando’s main tacklers.

E-Uni was good to me for what I put into it and I really don’t like to talk badly about E-Uni because I think it is am amazing resource for a noob who actually wants to LEARN everything they can about EvE. E-Uni is also a hotbed of people who play this game FOR the drama. I hate to say it, because it is sooooo cliche, but an ambitious woman who is not at all intimidated by video-game authority is a really obvious target for that drama.

After my leaving a large group of my friends there moved on also. One of my friends who also moved on wrote a scathing post on Reddit about my dismissal. I posted after it simply saying I appreciated my time there and trying to minimize the drama. I noticed while looking for a link (yes, you made me find this silly reddit drama from 3 years ago) that the diplo who I mentioned above also posted on this thread.

Sigh… well here is the drama for your consumption.

And if you would prefer to skip the drama post and go right to my response here it is.

You most certainly did receive one side of the story. It’s a shame and makes me a bit sad. But, look… I got over it already :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the response. I’m familiar with a lot of the people you talk about. Guiliano (assuming this was the diplo), Ged (your budding FC), Erwin, Analiese (we promoted him to a director in waffles a few years after me)

I’ll also acknowledge that despite the other comments, I do agree your classes were useful and valued.

I’m not going to dwell too much on the past. I wanted to make sure there was no continuation of any potential drama or toxicity, that’s one of the points of these public apps. I’m also a believer that even if there was some of that in the past, to give people a second chance. I’m happy for now.

I did just want to clarify on these points, so it’s very clear for you.

  • We don’t currently live in nullsec and most members don’t tend to get involved in those fleets
  • I hope you are ready to lose your apostle


Hey sorry for the slow reply, busy at work!

Happy to accept you, make sure all of your characters are on the auth and tokens are added. Add Jarack#0367 on discord and PM me all of the characters you will apply with in-game and i’ll add you to our sheet and accept you.

-1 we already have a Jec so we already have a queen