Leliana Kusoni Application

Do your parents know you’re gay?

Do you have a vouch?
Yes +

Do you have a T2 siege dread alt with JDCV?

Do you have a dictor alt? (Can be same account as dread alt etc)

Do you have Logi 5?

Link your zkillboard and the zkillboard of all characters you are applying to corp with (do not need every single alt that you own only ones joining the main alliance)

Why do you want to join?

I’m looking to join my friends that I used to fly with back in my WH days.

Hopefully I get to fly some caps again, it’s been a while since i undocked something worth over 10b that isn’t my JF.

What Timezone are you? (EU, US, AU)


Who is your vouch?

Darren Fox, Ithica Hawk, Xaphanie Xoros

Tell us anything about yourself irl that you find appropriate (e.g. work full time, in late 20s, university student, etc)

Soon in my mid 30s, work full time in the snow in the upper parts of Norway.

Enjoying me some warhammer 40k, 10th edition hype anyone?

Tell us about your history in Eve

  • Started out in 2013 did Hs for a bit over 6 months before getting the opportunity to join Norcorp, part of the prominent WH alliance No holes barred. I was lucky enough to get in on almost all the great battles including the one featured in the This is eve trailer from many years ago. But the most memorable fight was definitely The Defence of Polaris , the nerd chills are real when the intro plays.

  • In 2015 Noho collapsed and a group of us joined PL to help them with their WH highway to content. That lasted for about a year, over that year we lost a lot of members to RL and boredom with the current state of the NS game.

  • So in 2016 we went back to WH space as Overload This. Trying to recapture some of the old WH feeling of going all in with everything to lose and only a name and honor to gain. I feel like we did just that. As 2017 rolls around most of us take a break.

  • 2019 Kill dawrabbit calls the banner and we form up again, but this time as AFK and with the goal of beating all the established WH groups. I would say we were mostly successful in that goal and the most memorable fights must be the fight against HK in a shared static.

  • 2020 starts with AFK winding down and I start an industry corp with a few friends and that’s where I’m at today.

Can you fly a mainbox carrier? (Can be on toon other than main but must be able to fly dread on some other account)
No+(carrier and dread is the same toon)

Do you have HAC 5?

Do you have recon 5?

Do you have all cruisers 5 incl T2 weapons? (If not which ones)
No+(Amaar/Gallente 4 T3C)

Do you have Trig destroyer/cruiser trained (and T2 guns)?
No+ (missing frig/destroyer)

Do you have all battleships 5 incl T2 weapons? (if not which ones)
No+(missing edencom)

Do you have a FAX alt?

Do you have a super alt?

Do you have a titan alt?

Have you applied ALL your Characters tokens on the HR Tool https://auth.weformvolta.com/ 5 ?

Failing to do this will auto reject your application as you cannot follow clear instructions we already have Kinsy for this

Do you have any useful spies? (please do not post any info here)


Are you offended by common shittalk like calling someone gay, retarded, etc? (nothing over the top)

Link a zkill kill you are part of and think was cool. Why was it cool?

While I was part of AFK, we decided it would be a good idea to try to drop an azbel in a c4 to make some caps to fight against Hidden Baguettes home defense carrier fleet. Never ended up dropping the azbel but a nice fight was had instead.

Please link a fit that you think is good for small gang nano (can be text copy paste or zkill link)

I mostly fly logi or support so a small gang in my eyes is 4-8 people, so i would pick something like this:(this is an old fit, might not work anymore but something like this is what i fly)

[Scimitar, Leliana Kusoni’s Scimitar]

Capacitor Power Relay II

Capacitor Power Relay II

Power Diagnostic System II

Power Diagnostic System II

Corelum C-Type 50MN Microwarpdrive

Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender

Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender

Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster

Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster

Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster

Pithum A-Type Medium Remote Shield Booster

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Warrior II x1

You have tackled a super ratting in an anomaly 10+ jumps from the fleet, how do you attempt to keep your dictor alive and ensure tackle on the super for long enough for the fleet to come? (10+ minutes)

Might be a bit different from a group of ratting dreads in a WH but:

Make a ping on warpin.

Heated MWD out of SB range.

Drop bubble cloak.

Repeat while making new pings from different angles.

At some point during this or ask someone to ping.

Confirm vouch. Leliana is lovely.

Confirm vouch. Need more Norwegians to balance out the brits

Apologies on the delay - I didn’t realise you had even app’d until just now! App’s have been pinged to the Corp, they will stay live for 24hrs for members to post their questions (usually dick or men related) and assuming no one veto’s you, we can get the ball rolling.

Again my apologies for being slow!

Confirm vouch.

I’d also vouch if required, hello again Leliana!

Hey sorry for the slow reply, busy at work!

Happy to accept you, make sure all of your characters are on the auth and tokens are added. Add Jarack#0367 on discord and PM me all of the characters you will apply with in-game and i’ll add you to our sheet and accept you…