Krishtor And alt Jain Khann Application

Do your parents know you’re gay?

in this case my parents do know that I’m gay

Do you have a vouch?
Yes *

Do you have a T2 siege dread alt with JDCV?
Yes + T2 siege yes
No + JDCV been done on the alt

Do you have a dictor alt? (Can be same account as dread alt etc)
Yes *

Do you have Logi 5?
Yes *

If you answered NO to any of the above, please refrain from applying unless you were explicitly told to do so anyway by a director.

Link your zkillboard and the zkillboard of all characters you are applying to corp with (do not need every single alt that you own only ones joining the main alliance)

Why do you want to join?
Been flying with you guys over a year and abit now want to get in on more L33T action
What Timezone are you? (EU, US, AU)
Who is your vouch?
Dana, Such a nice guy only cost me 40bil Although if kinsy plays nice ill rob brown thomas for him next time hes in dublin :wink:

Tell us anything about yourself irl that you find appropriate (e.g. work full time, in late 20s, university student, etc) Im a 32 year old father of 3 Im a plumber by trade and in the last few months im out of work and am currently waiting in pain for a back operation so plenty of time to play, I enjoy weed Cars and jiu jitsu

Tell us about your history in Eve
Im playing on and off since 06 Started out in Provi Back with NOS then over the years went trought IAC U’K Stayed in Catch for sometime then had some breaks bounced around abit then i joined Noway in Syndicate and started getting back into the game abit more since then iv been in MC PL then Found my way into Blob about a year and half ago

Can you fly a mainbox carrier? (Can be on toon other than main but must be able to fly dread on some other account)

Do you have HAC 5?

Do you have recon 5?

Do you have all cruisers 5 incl T2 weapons? (If not which ones)

Do you have Trig destroyer/cruiser trained (and T2 guns)?

Do you have all battleships 5 incl T2 weapons? (if not which ones)
Yes *

Do you have a FAX alt?
Yes *

Do you have a super alt?
Yes *

Do you have a titan alt?

Have you applied your Characters on the HR Tool
Yes *

Do you have any useful spies? (please do not post any info here) I spy on my neighbours if that counts

Are you offended by common shittalk like calling someone gay, retarded, etc? (nothing over the top)
No *

Link a zkill kill you are part of and think was cool. Why was it cool?Pilgrim | BadAzzBoss | Killmail | zKillboard I enjoyed this fight it went on for a fair few min back and forth between us both really had to think when i was fighting

Please link a fit that you think is good for small gang nano (can be text copy paste or zkill link) [Dramiel, Dramiel]
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II

Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
1MN Afterburner II
Medium Shield Extender II

200mm AutoCannon II
200mm AutoCannon II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Projectile Burst Aerator I

Hobgoblin II x3

You have tackled a super ratting in an anomaly 10+ jumps from the fleet, how do you attempt to keep your dictor alive and ensure tackle on the super for long enough for the fleet to come? (10+ minutes) smartest option is to cloak and bubble, Bubble up burn out cloak and repeat and shout as much as u can till fuckers get there and make it go Boom.

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I asked him to app so +1

super nice bro that would fit in well with the banter and keen to learn how to be a shitter like the rest us

Dana hasn’t forwarded me the cut of his vouch so rejected, better luck next time

you said that the 1TB archive of SFC feet pics was fine as payment

Will send Feet Pics <3

Can you please rob some Chanel and break their large screen in Brown Thomas, thanks.

Also I’m there next Wednesday :sweat_smile:

Can you or do you play beyond all reason?

This time let me know when ur going for a pint and ill come meet u haha

No mostly eve or fortnite/COD

Got any other small gang fits (BCs/Cruisers)? Whats your opinions of the small gang meta right now, what do you think works and why, whats particularly oppressive, best places to roam etc?

[Cynabal, Oush]
IFFA Compact Damage Control
Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II
Tracking Enhancer II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

50MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large Shield Extender II
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

720mm Howitzer Artillery II
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
720mm Howitzer Artillery II
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II

Warrior II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5

Republic Fleet EMP M x2500
Republic Fleet Fusion M x2500
Tremor M x2114
Antimatter Charge S x193
Quake M x2920

CPU is abit tight, I havent done alot of roaming in abit but i FW space for the smaller stuff and i use to enjoy roaming abit in providence Its noob friendly easy pickings untill the provi blob was chasing u

[Orthrus, Supra]
Damage Control II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Overdrive Injector System II
Ballistic Control System II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
50MN Microwarpdrive II
True Sansha Warp Scrambler
True Sansha Warp Disruptor

Medium Energy Neutralizer II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II

Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II
Medium Ionic Field Projector I
Medium Hydraulic Bay Thrusters II

Acolyte II x5

Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile x500
Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x600
Scourge Fury Light Missile x500
Nova Fury Light Missile x500
Inferno Fury Light Missile x600
Mjolnir Fury Light Missile x700
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Light Missile x500
Nanite Repair Paste x200
Caldari Navy Nova Light Missile x500

Another one i would consider running

What a track record! Has any alliance survived having you there? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a thing for joining shit alliances You guys are L33T so what can go wrong :slight_smile: