I heard V0LTA is newbro friendly

Do your parents know you’re gay?

in this case my parents do know that I’m gay

Do you have a vouch?
Yes +

Do you have a T2 siege dread alt with JDCV?
Yes +

Do you have a dictor alt? (Can be same account as dread alt etc)
Yes +

Do you have Logi 5?
Yes +

If you answered NO to any of the above, please refrain from applying unless you were explicitly told to do so anyway by a director.

Link your zkillboard and the zkillboard of all characters you are applying to corp with (do not need every single alt that you own only ones joining the main alliance)

HMS Horny | Character | zKillboard - dictor/dread alt

Why do you want to join?

Looking for a skilled and active collective where i can find new friends, new skills and lotta frats on my zkill

What Timezone are you? (EU, US, AU) - RUTZ (Between EU and AU)

Who is your vouch? - Wolfsdragoon

Tell us anything about yourself irl that you find appropriate (e.g. work full time, in late 20s, university student, etc)

I’m a 23 y.o. tard, apply to university to have an ok education and working full time

Tell us about your history in Eve

Joined banders right after signing up, became addicted to dropping right after my alt trained cyno V

Can you fly a mainbox carrier? (Can be on toon other than main but must be able to fly dread on some other account)
No + but can be injected and trained soon

Do you have HAC 5?
No + 4 but can be also injected p quickly

Do you have recon 5?
Yes +

Do you have all cruisers 5 incl T2 weapons? (If not which ones)
Yes +

Do you have Trig destroyer/cruiser trained (and T2 guns)?
No + only kiki

Do you have all battleships 5 incl T2 weapons? (if not which ones)
No + (all but gallente and trig and large hybrid/trig turret)

Do you have a FAX alt?
No +

Do you have a super alt?
No +

Do you have a titan alt?
No +

Have you applied your Characters on the HR Tool https://core.voltaistrash.co.uk/?
Yes +

Do you have any useful spies? (please do not post any info here)

Are you offended by common shittalk like calling someone gay, retarded, etc? (nothing over the top)
No -

Link a zkill kill you are part of and think was cool. Why was it cool?

Avatar | Amy Selina | Killmail | zKillboard it’s cool because i jammed a damn titan and stopped his DD against our Chimera which let it dock with 30% shield

Please link a fit that you think is good for small gang nano (can be text copy paste or zkill link)

I use this one with MG snake:
[Garmur, Simulated Garmur Fitting]
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System
Nanofiber Internal Structure II

True Sansha Warp Disruptor
Domination Warp Scrambler
Republic Fleet Small Shield Extender
Coreli A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive

Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II

Small Auxiliary Thrusters II
Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing II

Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile x850
Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x1197
Nova Fury Light Missile x1000
Inferno Fury Light Missile x652
Caldari Navy Nova Light Missile x907
Caldari Navy Mjolnir Light Missile x938
Nanite Repair Paste x22
Mjolnir Fury Light Missile x1335

You have tackled a super ratting in an anomaly 10+ jumps from the fleet, how do you attempt to keep your dictor alive and ensure tackle on the super for long enough for the fleet to come? (10+ minutes)

Will keep him on the edge of the bubble and use my cloak and warp to keep my ass clean. Didn’t really have a chance to keep a super tackled to any proper fleet, but that’s probably what i’d do

Ah, also love this kill cause i recorded it

  • Do you actually hunt, or do you just bridge / blob with bombers? We have enough people that can conduit jump onto something that others caught. “Addicted to dropping since trained cyno V” is quite a statement, so back it up with something of value, something you caught, not just blobbed, as pretty much all I see here are homedef baits that you just F1-ed on

  • Would you commit to injecting / training mainbox carrier + HAC V + med trig guns V within 1 month of joining? Mainbox carriers & HACs are invaluable nowadays

Finally, the only question that matters: does pinapple belong on pizza

  • HMS Horny is also my hunter cyno, so yep, i hunt, but usually i have to drop the target myself with a solo BLOPS ot little amount of bombers like here here or here, i agree these kills are not juicy, i just enjoy this kind of camping and was fcing drops on frat while was in banderlogs. I did it because i found it a way to harass frat which were so unkind.

  • Yep, no problem at all

  • I live in Siberia and no good pizza here, but shwarma is a special food, and it comes wonderful with pineapple pieces and garlic sauce

P.S.: Tastes differ, some ppl like MILFs, some like diet coke, and i’m not gonna judge any ot them

No objections here

Ask Wolfs to confirm his vouch

Let me know if you’re ever in St. Petersburg, I know a good cocktail bar and we could order some top tier Hawaiian pizza to go with the drinks

Wolfs confirmed vouch internally

What’s next?

Oh, oh, this is not what you think, i can use zkill and see who’s frat pet, just a dumb typo i made cause shouldn’t be texting anything while playing 2 games at the same time. Fixed this mistake in my next message, but this stream is not saved so i can’t prove it.
Carrier half injected btw

Really good app, enjoyed the video too, well executed!

Shame about such a weak vouch.