Cassey Horizon Application

Do you have a vouch?

Do you meet the VOLTA Requirments? (V0LTA Requirements (Turnur Edition) 1)

If you answered NO to any of the above, please refrain from applying unless you were explicitly told to do so anyway by a director.

Link your zkillboard and the zkillboard of all characters you are applying to corp with (do not need every single alt that you own only ones joining the main alliance)

(Currently slow training these alts, but will also be injecting these alts)

Why do you want to join?
VOLTA’s gameplay is in line with what I’m hoping to continue achieve while playing this game; it’s a close knit of people who are willing to run multiple roles simultaneously to achieve an outcome we can be proud of and because of that, inspires me to do so as well. I’ve been having the most amount of fun since joining and would love to continue building my expertise when flying along many of you!

What Timezone are you? (EU, US, AU)
EU/US (I work from home).

Who is your vouch?

Tell us anything about yourself irl that you find appropriate (e.g. work full time, in late 20s, university student, etc)
I’m currently mid 30’s working from home in the tech sector.

Tell us about your history in Eve ( Can be brief, i dont care about the time you went an did a lvl 4 mission)
My EVE history dates back during the pandemic when everything was in lock down. I’ve heard / read some articles about EVE Online and the battles that took place so that was one of the main reasons why I wanted to get into the game, so when lock down hit, I decided to give this game a shot.

It’s still fairly new, but with a lot of the veteran presence that’s been surrounding me since starting, I’ve begun to grasp what makes EVE great and what’s required of myself to successfully play as.

Can you fly a mainbox carrier? (Can be on toon other than main but must be able to fly dread on some other account)

Do you have HAC 5?

Do you have recon 5?

Do you have all cruisers 5 incl T2 weapons? (If not which ones)

I don’t have Gallente, EDENCOM, and Precursor.

Do you have Trig destroyer/cruiser trained (and T2 guns)?

Injecting into this won’t be a problem though.

Do you have all battleships 5 incl T2 weapons? (if not which ones)

Gallente, EDENCOM, and Precursor.

Do you have a FAX alt?

Currently training my new alt into one right now.

Do you have a super alt?

Do you have a titan alt?

Have you applied ALL your Characters tokens on the HR Tool 7 ?
Failing to do this will auto reject your appication as you cannot follow clear instructions we already have Kinsy for this

Do you have any useful spies? (please do not post any info here)

Are you offended by common shittalk using internet words? (nothing over the top, however some spicey words are occasionally said.)

Link a zkill kill you are part of and think was cool. Why was it cool?

Definitely my most favorite kill. Boss group caught a couple of rorq’s mining and we had to mid to get there in time. Once we dropped on them, one of the FC’s asked to get anchored up as FRT was bringing sub’s to try and save them. Once the first rorq died, the sub’s showed up on grid and then immediately warped away before killing a Scimitar and left the other rorq to die.

I had never laughed so hard when that happened, is definitely one of my most favorite moments playing this game!

Please link a fit that you think is good for small gang nano (can be text copy paste or zkill link)

Before we left the North, BFL was flying around in these nano ONI’s which made them very difficult to catch and also did significant DPS at a fairly far distance. I was attempting to chase one down in a tackle frigate but made it damn near difficult to catch because of how fast they could just burn away while applying significant damage.

You have tackled a super ratting in an anomaly 10+ jumps from the fleet, how do you attempt to keep your dictor alive and ensure tackle on the super for long enough for the fleet to come? (10+ minutes)

Once I have the super tackled, I keep my dictor at a distance, ~7,500m on an orbit and view where the super is aligning out to and see about dropping bubbles on them from a distance in case it attempts to smartbomb its way out.

If it were to launch fighters and attempt to kill me, I immediately make a bookmark (we will call this bookmark A) and align out to a random celestial and initiate warp, make another bookmark (bookmark B) for a safe, and warp back to bookmark A to continue bubbling it at distance while maintaining where it’s aligning out to. Rinse and repeat until friendly fleet arrives.

Just take a hike

Hey Cassey,

Sorry in the poor management of the application, the holiday period meant our HR people were otherwise occupied.

I’ll find out this evening on the progress and let you know ASAP.

Hey Cassey,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

We’re going to be declining the application for the time being due to not meeting the requirements. If you’re still keen to join when those skills are trained up you’re absolutely welcome to re-apply.

In the mean time, keep fragging and if you need anything from me, feel free to DM me on Discord ID - covert